Journal: Conflict Over Resources–Over the next 20 years, demand for food and energy will rise by half

The Madagascar model Nov 13th 2009 From The World in 2010 print edition By John Parker Conflicts over natural resources will grow In the world’s earliest written legal code, dating from 1790BC, Hammurabi, the king of Babylon, laid down rules governing the maintenance of irrigation systems and the amount of water people could take from …

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Bio-Economics

Bio-Economics & Natural Harmony Bio-Base Review: Biocapital–The Constitution of Postgenomic Life Review: Diet for a Small Planet Review: Geosystems–An Introduction to Physical Geography (6th Edition) Review: Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution Review: Human Scale Review: Intelligence in Nature Review: Low Carbon Diet–A 30 Day Program to Lose 5000 Pounds–Be Part of …

2008 Annotated Bibliography ELECTION 2008 – Lipstick on the Pig (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Annotated Bibliography[1] Robert David STEELE Vivas Chapter in ELECTION 2008: Lipstick on the Pig (Earth Intelligence Network, 2008) Anti-Americanism, Blowback, Why the Rest Hates the West Betrayal of the Public Trust Biomimicry, Green Chemistry, Ecological Economics, Natural Capitalism Blessed Unrest, Dignity, Dissent, & the Tao of Democracy Capitalism, Globalization, Peak Oil, & “Free” Trade Run …