Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Bill Gates Spends $1B on 5G — You Should Worry. In Fact, You Should be Terrified.

The Brave New World of Bill Gates and Big Telecom” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dafna Tachover Imagine a world where the government doesn’t need police officers to apprehend those surfers or ticket you when you violate social distancing with your girlfriend. Suppose that computers discover your beach trip by tracking your movements using …

Berto Jongman: Heather Marsh on The End of Economics

The catalyst effect of COVID-19 Heather Marsh Given all of this, we have three goals we ought to pursue right now. One, consider collaboration free of trade economy norms. We don’t need cryptocurrency, or even basic income, as much as we need institutions of sharing and free services like transit, medical care, education, food and housing. …

Ellen Brown: Is Facebook a Greater Danger than Wall Street?

Facebook May Pose a Greater Danger Than Wall Street Payments can happen cheaply and easily without banks or credit card companies, as has already been demonstrated—not in the United States but in China. Unlike in the U.S., where numerous firms feast on fees from handling and processing payments, in China most money flows through mobile …