Reference: Defense Intelligence Agency Strategic Plan 2007-2017 One Mission, One Team, One Agency

Phi Beta Iota:  New version.  Platitudes without substance.  Completely unfamiliar with what the ten high-level threats to humanity actually are, and completely inadequate with respect to actually producing strategic, operational, tactical, or technical intelligence.   DIA’s contribution to defense acquisition, whole of government harmonization for stabilization & reconstruction, and on and on and on is ZERO.  …

2004 OSS CEO Response to Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Call for Data on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Over the years we have gone through perhaps ten different Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) “coordinators” for Open Source Intelligence (DIA), always with the same result–a flurry of motion, push-back (or passive aggressive refusal to provide thoughtful responses)–and then they move on.  OSINT has consistently failed to attract the attention of the Director of DIA. Below …

1997 Creating a “Bare Bones” Capability for Open Source Support to Defense Intelligence Analysis

DOC: Creating a Bare Bones OSINT Capability When Paul Wallner, on rotation from DIA to CIA, first attempted to establiksh an Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) concept of operations, this was the first paper delivered to him.  At the same time, he gave OSS a fair shot at business with ten trial weekly reports spanning everything …