SchwartzReport: Frackquake Madness! – 35 Earthquakes Rock Oklahoma in One Week

SR has been covering the rise of Oklahoma earthquakes since they first began, and it has been fascinating in a macabre kind of way to watch the people of Oklahoma vote again and again for politicians who support Fracking, even as their homes are falling down as a result of Fracking. Frackquake Madness! — 35 …

4th Media: Noam Chomsky: AMERICAN Politics Has Descended into MADness, Pure Savagery

Noam Chomsky: AMERICAN Politics Has Descended into MADness, Pure Savagery Author and activist Noam Chomsky said that the congressional controversy over extending unemployment benefits is evidence that American politics has descended into madness.   “The refusal to provide very minimal living standards to people who are caught in this monstrosity — that’s just pure savagery,” …

Chuck Spinney: The Lofgren Corollary: The Method Behind the Madness of the Shutdown

It is easy to look at the shutdown and the concomitant chaos in federal government as the product of incompetence and corruption.  But it was a deliberate effort by a vocal congressional minority from safe, cynically gerrymandered, congressional districts to sabotage the functioning of the entire federal government. One would think that a deliberate effort …

R. D. Laing: Sanity and Madness in Family and Society

2011  The Politics of the Family Essays by the renowned psychiatrist on that most central unit: the family.  Focus on the breakdowns within families and between families and larger social networks. 1996  Mad to Be Normal: Conversations with R. D. Laing As we listen to him describe his relations with the prominent philosophers, psychoanalysts, and …

Tom Atlee: Sandy Hook Reflections on Social Madness & Healing

Dear friends, My friend and colleague Miki Kashtan has written a compelling article exploring the interconnectedness of personal, community and social dimensions of the Sandy Hook crisis,  “Adam Lanza and All of Us.”  I highly recommend the whole article, but for the purposes of this commentary, I want to highlight this excerpt: “I see violence, …