Answers on OSINT for India 47: Two Examples and The Bottom Line

Sir, In many of your videos and papers/docs, you mention the following examples- That once you had asked a retired bank chief to give you a summary of the banking situation for 250 USD while the intel community couldn’t gather what you did even after spending thousand’s. Kindly tell about it. Once a US president, …

Mongoose: Dr. Lee Merritt: In Animal Studies, After Being Injected With MRNA Technology, All Animals Died Upon Reinfection

Dr. Lee Merritt: In Animal Studies, After Being Injected With MRNA Technology, All Animals Died Upon Reinfection In the following interview, Dr. Lee Merritt explains that mRNA technology is not a vaccine, mirroring what Dr. David Martin also stated recently. In animal studies, after mRNA injections have been administered to cats, when the virus arrived …

Edwin Jewett: Meet Jigsaw: Google’s Intelligence Agency

Meet Jigsaw: Google’s Intelligence Agency It’s no secret that Google regularly collaborates with intelligence agencies. They are a known NSA subcontractor. They launched Google Earth using a CIA spy satellite network. Their executive suite’s revolving door with DARPA is well known. In the wake of the January 6th Capitol event, the FBI used Google location …

Stephen Arnold: How Do You Spell Control? Maybe Google?

How Do You Spell Control? Maybe Google? The lack of a standardized format has made it difficult to manage vulnerabilities in open source software. Now, SiliconAngle reports, “Google Announces Unified Schema to Make Sharing Vulnerabilities Easier.” Writer Duncan Riley explains: “Google LLC today announced a unified schema for describing vulnerabilities precisely to make it easier …

Matthew Ehret: The International Dimensions of 1776 and How an Age of Reason Was Subverted

The International Dimensions of 1776 and How an Age of Reason Was Subverted This July 4th, a larger-than-usual shadow is cast upon America which has come face-to-face with some serious historic reckonings. While the existence of an oligarchy and international “deep state” should not be ignored as a political force of history- arranging wars, assassinations …