John Petersen: Adam Gopnik Is Intelligence Intelligent? Are Spies More Trouble Than They’re Worth?

Are Spies More Trouble Than They’re Worth? The history of espionage is a lesson in paradox: the better your intelligence, the dumber your conduct; the more you know, the less you anticipate. The universal law of unintended consequences rules with a special ferocity in espionage and covert action, because pervasive secrecy rules out the small, …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 33 – Controlled Demolition

American Gray Swans – Week 33 – Controlled Demolition The phrase became quite popular in America after the 911 bombings as it seems that the only way according to Newtonian physics for Building 7 (Solomon Building) to collapse in 7 seconds in its own footprint is by Controlled Demolition. And surprise surprise, that is the …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 32 – The Epstein Debacle

American Gray Swans – Week 32 – The Epstein Debacle Dam, I did not want to discuss this scum of humanity in the Gray Swans, but it is a good example of a Multi Dimensional Chess Game playing out. Whatever actually happened, whether he committed suicide, was hit, was removed, was exchanged, was cloned, or …