Michael Goodwin: Deep State snakes slither back after FBI, CIA swamp draining

Deep State snakes slither back after FBI, CIA swamp draining Intelligence gathered to keep the nation safe and protect the integrity of elections is leaked for the purpose of partisanship. That can only mean new snakes have taken the place of the old ones. Different people, same dirty tricks. . . . a look at …

Gordon Duff: Zionism Is Not Jewish, It Is a Satanic Offshoot of Freemasonry . . . The Luciferian-Deep State roots of Erdogan’s Holocaust in Idlib

The Luciferian-Deep State roots of Erdogan’s Holocaust in Idlib, What you will never be told Why is Erdogan backing al Qaeda against Russia and Syria? What is the tie between them? Both oppose “Baathism,” an anti-Masonic movement that took root in Egypt under Nassar, Syria under the Assad’s and Iraq under Sadam. Gaddafi? It recognized …

Consortium News: #GoogleGestapo – Twitter Facebook Instagram Agents of the Deep State Censoring Iranian, Syrian, Venezuelan Accounts to Protect Pro-War Lies

Under US Pressure, Social Media Companies Suspend Venezuelan, Iranian & Syrian Accounts This draconian crackdown on social media comes while the Trump administration is aggressively expanding its economic and diplomatic warfare against these independent countries, in hopes of ultimately overthrowing their sovereign governments. Read full article.