Panarchy-Not Anarchy-Future of Global Governance

Panarchy is “a useful way of thinking about cross-scale dynamics in complex adaptive systems.”  Source Panarchy, in modern terms, is both an emerging theory of local to global relations spanning all current disciplines (e.g. economics, political science, sociology), and a public intelligence concept that posits non-violent collective intelligence, with access to all true cost information, …

TED video: Anil Gupta on Mapping the Creative Mind of India & the World at Grassroots (G2G)

(2009/2010) Anil Gupta is on the hunt for the developing world’s unsung inventors — indigenous entrepreneurs whose ingenuity, hidden by poverty, could change many people’s lives. He shows how the Honey Bee Network helps them build the connections they need — and gain the recognition they deserve.  See video here. About Anil Gupta Anil Gupta …

Review (Guest): Deadly Embrace–Pakistan, America and the Future of Global Jihad

Bruce Riedel (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars The Real Story, January 24, 2011 Retired Reader (New Mexico) – See all my reviews This book is a very careful analysis of U.S.-Pakistani relations, especially over the last forty years. More importantly perhaps it provides the clearest explanation to date of why Pakistan appears to be …

Journal: Building Information Modeling as the Core of Sustainable Design Impacts on 40% of Global Energy Consumption

By GreenerBuildings Staff Published October 27, 2010 OAKLAND, CA — Building information modeling can be a valuable tool for architects, engineers and contractors that allows them to explore different design options, see what projects will look like and understand how a structure will perform long before it’s built. BIM, as it’s known in the industry, …