NIGHTWATCH: Iran, Syria, WMD — and Bolivia Expels AID for Covert Operations

Iran: The Foreign Minister said Iran considers use of chemical weapons in Syria a “red line” and wants the opposition investigated for using them. “We have always emphasized that the use of chemical weapons on the part of anyone is our red line,” Salehi said, according to the ISNA news agency. “Iran is opposed to …

Chuck Spinney: Iraq Army Losing North, Partition Being Discussed

The author of the attached report, Patrick Cockburn, is one of very best reporters reporting on the Middle East, and perhaps the most knowledgeable on Iraq.  This is a very important report, in my opinion. Partition could really have a destabilizing influence on the entire Arab region, but especially Syria, as well as non-Arab Turkey. …

Penguin: US Drones, US Ignorance of Tribes, & Endless War in the Briar Patch

A template for the story of our mis-steps as it will be told for generations. Phi Beta Iota:  The complete story has been posted below.  Technology is not a substitute for thinking.  US policymakers, driven by the arm sales imperative and its 5% kick-backs, have refused to be educated by intelligence professionals that do know …

Phil Giraldi: Who’s Turning Syria’s Civil War Into a Jihad?

Who’s Turning Syria’s Civil War Into a Jihad? Philip Giraldi American Conservative, February 28, 2013 The tale of what is going on in Syria reads something like this: an insurgency active since March 2011 has been funded and armed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and allowed to operate out of Turkey with the sometimes active, …

Penguin: US Secret Agency Language Priorities

Deja vu, n’est pas? IC Virtual Career Fair: Priority Languages by Agency Phi Beta Iota. Below the line is the actual priority chart.  The FBI is fishing for everything but probably not serious.  CIA and NSA are still focused on Priority 1 and ignoring everything else.

Warren Pollock: Interview with John Xenakis on China and Japan, Syria, Turkey, & Iran, The Next War (Audio)

AUDIO Published on Jan 12, 2013 A talk between John Xenakis and Warren Pollock recorded in August of 2012. This is being re-posted because some of the points we talked about five months ago are first gaining traction in the press, and then they are getting spun incorrectly. Sunni Shi-ite War in Middle East?  Turkey …