Worth a Look Now at Amazon: Complex Society -In the Middle of a Middle World

The decreasing capacity to govern complex social processes results in negative trends that breach system thresholds in all main social domains with extreme economic stratification of society. Independent studies steadily report that a strong majority of the world’s population, between 60% and 80%, already feels excluded and no longer represented by their governments. Socially complex …

Answers on OSINT for India 16 – Four Levels (Strategic, Operational, Tactical, Technical) — And Importance of Domestic Domain Intelligence

Sir, The military thinks in terms of four levels — strategic, technical (acquisition), operational or theater, and tactical. Have you addressed in any detail how OSINT can enhance military decision-making at each of those four levels? You keep referring to a Smart Nation. In one interview with IEEE you have a very interesting graphic of …

Owl: What Acting SecDef Miller’s Special Ops Shift Means + Robert Steele Comments

SHORT URL THIS POST: https://tinyurl.com/Steele-SOF What Acting SecDef Miller’s Special Ops Shift Means The move “will put special operations command on par with the military services for the first time,” acting SecDef Chris Miller announced today The crux of the transformation will ensure that the top special operations official at the Pentagon can go directly …