Carl Herman: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – “Chemtrails” covered Sandy Hook preventing satellite photos on 14 December 2012

Carl Herman: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – “Chemtrails” covered Sandy Hook preventing satellite photos on 14 December 2012  Mr. President, I wrote and shared PlasmaBurns‘ YouTube video of how “chemtrails” in Sandy Hook pictures inspired his research of satellite data leading to his discovery that twice-daily photos only had such chemtrails over Sandy Hook once from …

Berto Jongman: Five Steps to Reverse Earth’s Fragility

Large parts of the world are growing more fragile. Here are 5 steps to reverse course The sheer scale of fragility is breathtaking. Presently, 72% of all people living in extreme poverty reside in fragile settings. If current trends persist, more than 80% of the world’s poorest populations will live in these fragile contexts by …

#GoogleGestapo: $300 Million Being Invested to Make Fake News “More Authoritative” — Google and YouTube Double Down on Lies

YouTube Debuts Plan to Promote and Fund ‘Authoritative’ News Following a year in which YouTube has repeatedly promoted conspiracy-theory videos during breaking news events like the shootings in Parkland, Florida, and Las Vegas, the company announced on Monday a slew of new features it hopes will make news on the platform more reliable and less …

Wayne Jett: Trump Can Save Capitalism By Ending Federal Reserve and Mercantilism (Throw in a Balanced Budget and a Gold-Backed Dollar For Best Results)

RETURN TO CAPITALISM End the Fed and TBTF Banks …capitalism lost much of its role in America when the global ruling elite got their privately owned Federal Reserve in 1913 and imposed the Great Depression beginning in October, 1929. Since then, mercantilism has ruled economic affairs in the U. S. and the world. But now, …