Benjamin Fulford: Trump’s Clever Plans Continued — and a Break-Down of the Deep State Beligerents

Trump’s universal trade war declaration is bringing events to a head Full text posted with permission. U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration of trade war with just about everybody is really just a case of Trump negotiating a Chapter 11-style bankruptcy for the United States.  A kinder way of putting it would be to say that …

Berto Jongman: S by SW Festival Gets It Wrong — Ignoring #GoogleGestapo Censorship, Manipulation, & Digital Assassination

They ignore the biggest threat of all. South by Southwest Festival Goes From Tech Back-Slapping to Brooding Introspection Lizette Chapman for Bloomberg Revelations around the use of Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc. and YouTube to spread misinformation, influence the U.S. presidential election in 2016 and recruit terrorists have prompted closer scrutiny of social networks and their responsibility to …

Robert Steele: Rigging Elections – and Worse! The Americans Rigged Our Election, Bribed Our Government, Stole Our Gold, Killed Our Men, Raped Our Women, and Poisoned our Air, Water, and Earth – and You Want to Blame Something on the Russians? (Trump Revolution 25)

Rigging Elections – and Worse! The Americans Rigged Our Election, Bribed Our Government, Stole Our Gold, Killed Our Men, Raped Our Women, and Poisoned our Air, Water, and Earth – and You Want to Blame Something on the Russians? Robert David Steele American Herald Tribune 10 March 2018 Please “share” from the original at above …