Stephen E. Arnold: Search is Dead — and Search “Experts” are the Walking Dead

Enterprise Search: Confusing Going to Weeds with Being Weeds I seem to run into references to the write up by a “expert”. I know the person is an expert because the author says: As an Enterprise Search expert, I get a lot of questions about Search and Information Architecture (IA). The source of this remarkable …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Search Emergent, Proprietary Search on Death Row

Enterprise Search: Fee Versus Free I read a pretty darned amazing article “Is Free Enterprise Search a Game Changer?” My initial reaction was, “Didn’t the game change with the failures of flagship enterprise search systems?” And “Didn’t the cost and complexity of many enterprise search deployments fuel the emergence of the free and open source …

Arno Reuser: Google Search Reference Sheet

search language quick reference sheet Editted: 15oct2014 Google Search Term Guide Posted with permission.