Amazon Kindle: The Syrian Missile Attack – Theatrics & House Cleaning?: McCain, Brennan, McMaster Behind False Flags? Funded by Israel & Saudi Arabia? (Trump Revolution Book 10)

As this goes to press the US Department of State is lying to the public about what actually happened in Syria, and the US Department of Defense is lying to the public about the success of its faked attack on an abandoned air base. In addition to the insider disclosure of the treason by Senator …

Hal Berghel: CIA & Cyber-Babble vs. Cyber-Attribution UPDATE 1

On the Problem of (Cyber) Attribution Is the recent report from the three-letter agencies on the alleged Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee evidence-based attribution or attributibabble? Attitudes and judgments have these biases baked into them. Failing to appreciate this simple fact allows all sundry forms of popular nonsense to remain unchallenged. Such is …

Robert Steele: THE SPEECH [Annotated Edition] by Donald Trump (Trump Revolution 09)

THE SPEECH [Annotated Edition] Can Donald Trump Triumph Over the Deep State? Robert David STEELE Vivas PREFACE The President and his closest personal staff have confused Divine Providence – the hand of God in over-turning a rigged system – with a mandate to govern. They are confusing Republican Party control of the Senate and the …

Amazon Kindle: THE SPEECH [Annotated Edition] – Can Donald Trump Triumph Over the Deep State? (Trump Revolution Book 09)

The Deep State, consisting of Wall Street as managed by the Rothschilds and influenced by the Vatican as well as the leaders of Israel and Saudi Arabia, fronted for by the two-party tyranny that seeks to destroy our President, and aided by the secret intelligence services spying on all politicians, judges, and others of import …

Robert Steele: World War III has started – the public against the Deep State – everywhere – Deep State against Donald Trump – what is to be done? (Trump Revolution 08)

World War III has started – the public against the Deep State — everywhere. Robert David Steele, Visiting Norway in March, Answers Seven Questions Jan H. Kalvik & Robert David Steele Defense and Intelligence Norway, 10 March 2017 Robert David Steele, whom I recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize to a Norwegian Minister who is …

Mongoose: Omidyar as a Threat to National Security — the Open Government Partnership as a Fifth Column Subverting the Constitution and the Republic

An investigative report from a Citizen. Dear Mr. Steele: You are ABSOLUTELY on target!  I discovered you last fall and have devoured your interviews and much of your writing. Your comprehensive approach to problems and solutions is, unfortunately, a rarity these days.  We need more of you! Your challenge to Bannon during yesterday’s Hagmann interview …