Stephen E. Arnold: IBM Watson Dreams of Beating Google and Apple — Without a Clue

More Watson Nuggets Fast Company published “IBM’s Watson For Business: The $1 Billion Siri Slayer.” The write offers some nuggets of information that convert Watson from search system into the next Apple or Google. Frankly I find this notion somewhat amusing. The story reports this interesting assertion, “IBM wants to transform Watson into a Siri …

Stephen E. Arnold: Languages Supported by Google Translate Increase — But Not Farsi, Dari, or Pashto

Languages Supported by Google Translate Increase The article on eweek titled Google Translate Adds Support for More World Languages announces Google’s addition of nine languages to its service, making the total number 80 languages. These included several African languages spoken in Nigeria, Somalia and South Africa. There are motions in progress to add Mongolian, Nepali, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Takes Possession Of and Gets Ready to Charge for Images

Google and Images for Email: A Different View, Very Different I have watched the comments about Google’s decision to cache images. A notable “this is what those guys are doing” appears in “Gmail Blows Up E-Mail Marketing by Caching All Images on Google Servers.” The focus is on the tracking function that e-mail marketers and …