Stephen E. Arnold: Google Needs Special Tools to Search for COVID-19 Literature — Never Mind That It is Busy CENSORING COVID-19 Literature?

Google: Regular Search Not Up to Covid19 Queries. Who Knew? Google has launched a new semantic search tool designed to help researchers fight this pandemic. The Google AI Blog reveals “An NLU-Powered Tool to Explore COVID-19 Scientific Literature.” As one might expect, researchers around the world have been turning out an enormous number of papers …

State of the Nation: FAUCIgate: OPERATION COVID-19 Point Man Tony Fauci Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Genocide

The Most Corrupt Career NIH Criminal Ever to Head the NIAID  An accurate accounting of the countless deaths, widespread disease and community destruction, damage to the national and state economies, societal collapse and citywide devastation, bankrupted businesses and ruined families, etc. is simply too long to list here. Nevertheless, when the damage is finally assessed, …

Robert Steele: “I Told You So” in 2002 — Public Health and Data Integrity Vulnerabilities. No One Wanted to Listen. They Still Don’t Want to Listen! Mike Flynn for DNI/DCI!

Since ghost-writing “Global Intelligence Challenges in the 1990’s” for then Commandant of the US Marine Corps General Al Gray, I have been on a mission from God: to restore intelligence, integrity, and imagination to the incredibly dishonest and unprofessional US Intelligence Community (IC). In 2002 I published the below graphic in my  second book ( …

#UNRIG Video (42:41) Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes Gates, Fauci, Corrupt Science | Blacks Targeted by NIH, CDC

The BOMBSHELL in this interview is that blacks are explicitly targeted by NIH and CDC for depopulation. The biomarkers are known and specific steps — all documented — have been taken to reduce the black population with targeted vaccines and other medical means. That bit begins at 26:00. This video is backed up at BitChute …

John Petersen: Shelter In Place Is Weakening the Immune Systems of Everyone Who Complies

Shelter In Place Is Weakening the Immune Systems of Everyone Who Complies Dr. Dan Erickson, owner of Accelerated Urgent Care clinics in Bakersfield, California is exasperated by the lockdown, finding it to be completely unnecessary and much more harmful than a disease that has a lower mortality rate to the annual flu. He says that …

Mongoose: Vaccines as Legalized Crime

1,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies. Safety studies are typically only performed on individual vaccines rather than the combination of vaccines, which are routinely given by care providers. In fact, there have been no safety studies performed on the comprehensive vaccine schedule. A comprehensive PDF of following studies can be downloaded here.

Mongoose: Medical Malpractice is 3rd Leading Cause of Death in USA

The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors don’t want you to know about A recent Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000. Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart …