Owl: Microsoft & Facebook Support Screwing of Workers Across America Through Koch Brothers State Policy Network

These Ogre Companies are Anti-Their-Customers “Some of America’s largest technology and telecoms companies, including Facebook, Microsoft and AT&T, are backing a network of self-styled “free-market thinktanks” promoting a radical rightwing agenda in states across the nation, according to a new report by a lobbying watchdog. The Center for Media and Democracy asserts that the State …

4th Media: Facebook Partners with Police – Protests Blocked?

Partnership Between Facebook and Police Could Make Planning Protests Impossible A partnership between police departments and social media sites discussed at a convention in Philadelphia this week could allow law enforcement to keep anything deemed criminal off the Internet—and even stop people from organizing protests. A high-ranking official from the Chicago Police Department told attendees …

Matt Asay: Is Facebook The World’s Largest Open Source Company?

Is Facebook The World’s Largest Open Source Company? Red Hat used to wear the open source crown. Then Google. But Facebook and other web giants now contribute the most to open source. Matt Asay ReadWrite, October 17, 2013 Quick question: which is the largest open source company on Earth? That’s easy, right? It’s clearly Red …

Eagle: Facebook Strike Two — “Likes” Reveal All — Like It or Not

Facebook ‘likes’ predict personality What do your Facebook likes say about you? Sexuality, political leanings and even intelligence can be gleaned from the things you choose to “like” on Facebook, a study suggests. Researchers at Cambridge University used algorithms to predict religion, politics, race and sexual orientation. The research, published in the journal PNAS, forms …