Disagree, but Engage–Free and Fair Elections in USA?

Disagree, but engage: That’s civility On issues ranging from abortion to guns, it is possible for adversaries to find common ground February 10, 2011|By Robert Fersh and Andrew L. Yarrow EXTRACT:  These processes are most successful when participants have strong, informed opinions and can make a difference if they reach agreement. This was the case …

Why Boeing is Imploding–Spinney, Sprey, & Reality vs Political Engineering & Government Spec Cost Plus

Below are three separate contributions:  Spinney on Sprey; Sprey on Boeing; and Seattle Times on Boeing. CHUCK SPINNEY SOUNDS OFF President Obama says that restoring America’s competitiveness is one of his top priorities.  Yet under his watch, deindustrialization, financialization, and globalization continue without interruption.  Many advocates of defense spending argue that spinoffs from the Pentagon’s …

Farm Insurance Fraud–Lacking Domestic Intelligence

Farm insurance fraud is cheating taxpayers out of millions Perpetrators falsely claim weather or insects destroyed their crops and cash in on a government-backed insurance program. Some don’t bother planting at all. Others sell their harvests in secret. The vast majority of U.S. farmers follow the rules, insurers and federal officials said. Bert Little, director …