Review: How to Run the World–Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance

Parag Khanna Extraordinary Personal Effort, Constrained by Publisher February 21, 2011 I received a copy of this book at my request from the author himself (I am unemployed, and globally available). I gave the author’s first book, The Second World: How Emerging Powers Are Redefining Global Competition in the Twenty-first Century, a five star leaning …

MIRROR: How to Communicate & Restore Collective Power if the US Government Shuts Down the Internet

HOW TO COMMUNICATE IF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SHUTS DOWN THE INTERNET 02-07-2011 8:48 pm – Wallace Liberty News Online Scenario: Your government is displeased with the communication going on in your location and pulls the plug on your internet access, most likely by telling the major ISPs to turn off service. This is what happened …

NO LABELS Fraud Reprise….Hypocrisy Round II Mike Bloomberg Fiddling While David Walker Burns Money and Loses Time?

No Labels to tackle hyper-partisanship, fiscal responsibility, election reform Ken Bingenheimer National Common Ground Examiner February 14th, 2011 1:28 pm ET After soliciting the thoughts of its members, the No Labels organization has settled upon three areas of focus for the group’s efforts: Policing partisan politics, promoting fiscal responsibility, and election reform. No Labels founding …