Patrick Meier: Analyzing Tweets — Mumbai Attack

Analyzing Tweets Posted During Mumbai Terrorist Attacks Over 1 million unique users posted more than 2.7 million tweets in just 3 days following the triple bomb blasts that struck Mumbai on July 13, 2011. Out of these, over 68,000 tweets were “original tweets” (in contrast to retweets) and related to the bombings. An analysis of these …

Cheery Waves: Seven Stages to the Khilafah in 2020

Working Hypothesis – AQ and the Muslim Brotherhood Ayman al-Zawahiri, current head of AQ, was an instrumental figure of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), the armed wing of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Zawahiri was imprisoned following the assassination of Anwar Sadat.  He came to power within AQ following the death of Abdullah Yusuf Azzam (for …

Berto Jongman: The State of Intelligence Studies

The 4-day International Studies Association (ISA) conference is coming up in San Francisco in less than a month….3-6 April 2013….with the current status of Intelligence Studies Section panels copied below FYI…. Intelligence Studies Section Panels at ISA 2013 3-6 April 2013 in San Francisco, California

NIGHTWATCH: North Korea Threatens War During Major US Exercise in South Korea Lasting to 30 April

North Korea:  NightWatch’s review of events since 1 January indicates that the North Koreans have been preparing this breakout since 2 February when Kim Jong Un began a series of meetings, starting with the Military Central Commission. NightWatch judges the actions are deliberately planned because of their breadth, coherence and consistency. The North’s depiction of …

Mongoose: 20130309 Added Transcripts for Mrs. Kay Griggs Interviews — “German Disease” Across USMC & US Army Special Operations + Treason RECAP

ON GOOD GAYS AND BAD GAYS.  This is  going to be controversial.  We distinguish between normal gays who want to come out and be accepted as loving members of society, and sado-masochistic neo-Nazi gays who consider themselves above the law and desperately want to remain in the closet.  Our views are well summarized by Robert …

Winslow Wheeler: Treason Thy Name is F-35A — We Expect Hagel to “Do A Cheney”

Including stunning pilot comments about the aircraft’s survivability (such as “Aft visibility will get the pilot gunned [down] every time”), a new, unclassified DOD document on the F-35 is now available. It describes the performance of the F-35A and its support systems in initial training at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. Find the document …