Plenty of Spectrum–Not Enough Integrity

There is plenty of radio spectrum laying fallow everywhere for many reasons.  One principal reason is regulatory capture by communications oligopolies/monopolies around the world (artificial scarcity), which leads to a lack of investment in alternative (competitive) infrastructure.  This implies there is also vendor capture. What has changed just over the past five years is the …

Graphic: Concept for Liberation Communications

Phi Beta Iota: An interested group of funders who approached Earth Intelligence Network asked the obvious question: why isn’t the US Government doing  this?  Where is public diplomacy, covert action, soft war, and so on?  Our answer was straight forward: the US Government does not want to liberate peoples, it chooses instead to spend borrowed …

Search: 2012 aftermath

2012 is a marvelous opportunity to apply intelligence with integrity.  Mature intelligence, with integrity totally ingrained, would integrate history, science, faith, and cultural diversity. Graphic: The New Craft of Intelligence Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Cube There are three approaches to 2012 aftermath:

Search: osint vs humint

osint vs humint Machine search–ugly. The answer: 1.  Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a sub-discipline of all of the traditional disciplines, as well as a discipline in its own right, but it is closest to Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and should be managed concurrently with HUMINT, which has fifteen slices, only four of which are classified.  …