Trump Revolution Series (Some Print, All Kindle & Most Free Online)

SHORT URL This Post: 2020 56 PRINT: Robert David Steele, MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Subject: Immediate Opportunity to Confiscate $100 Trillion in Illicit Wealth from Wall Street KINDLE: Robert David Steele, MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Subject: Immediate Opportunity to Confiscate $100 Trillion …

Antechinus: The Elite Coup of 2016 – Should Barack Obama Be Impeached?

The “Elite” Coup Of 2016 There is an “elite” coup attempt underway against the U.S. President-elect Trump. The coup is orchestrated by the camp of Hillary Clinton in association with the CIA and neoconservative powers in Congress. The plan is to use the CIA’s “Russia made Trump the winner” nonsense to swing the electoral college …

James Clapper: John Brennan is Fired, the CIA Report is Rescinded, the Russians Did Not “Hack” the Election

As suggested to Jim Clapper via email. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office of the Director of National Intelligence I have demanded the resignation of John Brennan and I am officially rescinding the CIA report on Russian interference in the US election. The CIA has no sources worthy of consideration, and their analysis is without foundation. There …

Robert Steele: Fake News as Treason — An Indictment of CIA, NSA & Everyone Else…Russians Did Not Hack Election, This is a Coup in Progress…

With its latest attempt to de-rail the accidental but never-the-less legitimate election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America, CIA — John Brennan specifically and every senior executive not speaking up now to disown Brennan — has crossed the line into indictable treason. There is every reason now to close down …

Review: The Muhammad Code – How a Desert Prophet Brought You ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram

Howard Bloom A Worst Case Documentation of Islam as Evil  EDIT of 20161201: Religion is one of the most complicated topics, and it is very hard for most people to grasp that at root most religions based on dogma, including Catholicism, are a mix of outright fabrication (for example, see Christ’s Ventriloquists: The Event that …

Kevin Barrett: If Trump does these ten things he’ll be the greatest president ever

If Trump does these ten things he’ll be the greatest president ever Expose the truth about 9/11, which is that it was a neocon coup designed to unleash Islamophobia to benefit Israel. Reinstate the Constitution by repealing all post-9/11 police state legislation and pushing through draconian restrictions on all forms of spying, search and seizure, …