Tom Atlee: Public Wisdom Practical Links

21st Century Town Meetings Appreciative Inquiry Argument Mapping Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) bCisiveOnline Canada Maclean experiment charrette choice-creating citizen consensus councils (CCCs) citizen deliberative councils (CDCs) citizen councilor forums citizen panels [By Popular Demand] citizen reflective councils   Citizens’ Assembly citizens juries civic journalism Community-Based Watershed Management Councils community quality of life indicators Commons Cafés …

Tom Atlee: Collective Thinking About Public Affairs

Collective thinking about public affairs (NOTE: In this essay I intentionally subsume the thinking processes of official decision-makers into the thinking processes of the citizenry as a whole. I realize that official decision-makers can and do make decisions independently of the will of the people, unless that public will is united and organized. But elite …

Tom Atlee: Bitterness Dances with Hope – Focusing On the Essence

Bitterness dances with Hope Dear friends, I like this article by Rebecca Solnit (who’s writing I’m coming to love more and more) not because it comes from “the left” but because it calls for sanity and decency.  It acknowledges the overriding fact that our quasi-democratic system is itself deeply flawed in its design and corrupted …