Tom Atlee: Iceland An Inspiraltion in Multiple Dimensions

Dear friends, According to articles in the links below (and elsewhere) Iceland * crowdsourced its new constitution with mass participation and elected delegates to a Constituent Assembly * made investors and bankers – not taxpayers – pay for the economic crash (it didn’t bail out the banks) * took legal action against individuals responsible for …

Tom Atlee: How to address corruption in the U.S. government and elections NOW

  How to address corruption in the U.S. government and elections NOW There’s a flash of hope here: A remarkable U.S. transpartisan group called Represent.Us is promoting a brilliantly designed Anti-Corruption Act. Check it out! The proposed law pulls together a number of anti-corruption and money-out-of-politics approaches into one piece of national legislation. It exposes …

Tom Atlee: Political Dichotomies are Illusory

Dear friends, In anticipation of challenges to my assertion that our political dichotomies – especially the liberal/conservative, blue-red divide – are illusions, I offer the following references: 1.  The “Purple USA” map – 2.  My writeup of my first transpartisan experience – “A Personally Transformational Encounter of Left and Right” 3.  The story …

Tom Atlee: The Shift NOT Made by Obama – From Two to Many

Post-election: A collective shift from divided to wise Dear friends, President Obama said in his 2012 victory speech that “we are not as divided as our politics suggests”.  He also argued that we are more united than our politics makes us think we are.  Finally, he hinted that we are more diverse than our politics …

Tom Atlee: Public Wisdom Trilogy

THE BOOK Tom Atlee: Empowering Public Wisdom – A Practical Vision of Citizen-Led Politics THE LINKS Tom Atlee: Public Wisdom Practical Links OTHER BOOKS (LINKED) Tom Atlee: Public Wisdom Suggested Reading See Also: Tom Atlee at Phi Beta Iota