Reference: Private Military Corporations–A Non-State Actor-Nuclear Terror Nexus?

Private Military Corporations: A Non-State Actor-Nuclear Terror Nexus? Robert L. Brown Temple University August 16, 2010 Abstract: The risk of nuclear terrorism is hyped by some as possible and high consequence (Allison 2006) while others dismiss the strategy as too difficult and too risky for terrorist organizations (Jenkins 2008). However, analysts have no data from …

Journal: Whole of Government Competence & Contractors

David Isenberg Author, Shadow Force: Private Security Contractors in Iraq Posted: December 17, 2010 11:17 PM Will the Real Hillary Clinton Please Step Forward? It appears that the old Hillary Clinton, the one who ran for president of the United States has managed to travel forward in time and merge with the current Hillary Clinton, …

Journal: US Govenment Accepts Fraud as “Normal”

David Isenberg Author, Shadow Force: Private Security Contractors in Iraq Posted: November 5, 2010 11:51 PM The Louis Berger Group: It May Be a Crook But At Least Its Our Crook Are charges that private military contractors commit egregious acts of fraud overblown? Not according to recent news. McClatchy Newspapers reports that the Louis Berger …

Reference: “True Cost” of Private Military Contractors

David Isenberg Author, Shadow Force: Private Security Contractors in Iraq Posted: October 9, 2010 12:20 AM PMSC and the Quest for Perfect Information Phi Beta Iota: Click on the PMSC title to read the entire post at Huffington Post.  Below is the quoted testimony followed by a link to our review of the officer’s book. …

Journal: Private Security Contractors (Blackwater Xe Specifically) In Court Over Epidemic Steroid & Drug Use, Psychotic Behavior, in Iraq

David Isenberg Private Security Contractors (PSCs) on Drugs Media reports regarding the lawsuits prompted a third party named Howard Boardman Lowry to contact Relators‟ Counsel. Mr. Lowry’s sworn testimony is attached in its entirety as Exhibit B. Mr. Lowry testified he purchased steroids, human growth hormones, and testosterone for Blackwater employees and his observation of …