Ellen Brown: What Donald Trump Does Not Know — Why the Chinese Model is Better and Currency Wars Have No Winners

Neoliberalism Has Met Its Match in China We cannot win a currency war through the use of competitive currency devaluations that trigger a “race to the bottom,” and we cannot win a trade war by installing competitive trade barriers that simply cut us off from the benefits of cooperative trade. More favorable to our interests …

Caitlin Johnstone: US Foreign Policy Is a War on Disobedience

US Foreign Policy Is A War On Disobedience In an excellent new essay titled “We’re Not the Good Guys — Why Is American Aggression Missing in Action?“, Tom Engelhardt criticizes the way western media outlets consistently describe the behavior of disobedient nations like Iran as “aggressions”, but never use that label for the (generally antecedent …

Mongoose: The War Party (Two Wings, One Bird, Same Crap) Is At It Again –

The War Party Is At It Again There is only one party in Washington, D.C., and it’s the War Party. And they are at it again. Trade a Democrat for a Republican; trade a liberal for a conservative: It doesn’t matter. The War Party remains in charge either way. The people who thought they were …

Stephen E. Arnold: Digital Ocean Will Shut You Down Without Warning Based on Flawed Automatic Monitoring Programmed by Morons Lacking Adult Override

Editorial Note: Robert Steele wrote the PBI title. Frisky Language Aside: An Important Cloud Message I don’t know much about Digital Ocean, droplets, Checkly, Raisup, “”or the other Fancy Dan technologies mentioned in the write up. I usually ignore articles with unpleasant language. I worked through this write up because in Myrtle Beach at the …

Zero Hedge: Judy Shelton (Sound Money Gold Advocate) to Federal Reserve? Robert Steele: Global Currency Reset This Week & Next?

Judy Shelton, Trump’s Next Fed Choice, Favors A Gold Standard And Free Trade Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk, Economist Judy Shelton, a Trump economic advisor and a gold standard advocate is rumored to be Trump’s next Fed pick. Bloomberg reports White House Considers Economist Judy Shelton for Fed Board The White House is considering conservative …

Gareth Porter: How the U.S. Navy Sold the Vietnam War with Lies About Anti-Catholic Atrocities

How the U.S. Navy Sold the Vietnam War Dr. Tom Dooley, whose best-selling book “Deliver Us From Evil” helped create a favorable climate of opinion for U.S. intervention in South Vietnam, has long been linked to legendary CIA officer Edward G. Lansdale and his black operations in Vietnam between 1954 and 1955. But the real …