Berto Jongman: Half of Humanity Not on Internet

Half The World’s Population Is Not Yet On The Internet Less than half of the world’s population still isn’t using the Internet, although the numbers are improving, according to a United Nations report.  A report recently released by the United Nation’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU) found that 47.1% of the population is online, an increase …

Robert Steele: Is Blaming the Russians a Desperate Attempt to Cover Up US Intelligence Community Routine Spying on US Politicians Including the President?

Completely apart from Deep State – Two-Party Tyranny – Wall Street machinations against Donald Trump, the legitimately elected next President of the United States of America, the current efforts of the US Intelligence Community to blame the Russians for hacking the election are in my view a desperate attempt to distract everyone from the fact …

Robert Steele: Intelligence Lies — Russians Did Not Hack Emails and Russians Did Not Hack Voting Machines — Media is Complicit in Massive Propaganda by Government Against Public UPDATE 1

Julian Assange, William Binney, James Bamford, and I — among many others who actually know what is going on and insist on telling the truth, always — could not be clearer: the Russians did not hack the DNC or Podesta emails and the Russians did not hack the US electronic voting machines. Jim Clapper has …

Berto Jongman: Robotics – Army to have more robots than humans in 2025?

US Army Will Have More Robots Than Human Soldiers By 2025 In the next 9 years, the US Army will have more combat robots than humans, according to John Bassett, a former UK intelligence officer. Basset, who worked for 20 years at the UK’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), told attendees at a counter-terrorism meeting in …

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Inspect & Train

Nobody, anywhere, is doing Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) “right.” There are some nodes where exceptional achievements are the norm in isolation, but by and large, what various governments and corporations are doing and calling “OSINT” is nothing more than very wasteful largely useless Open Source Information (OSIF).  At the same time, no consumer is doing …