Josh Kilbourn: War Against Iran Has Been Underway

Is Iran Already Under Attack? Jeffrey Goldberg The Atlantic, Dec 2, 2011 Adam Chandler, the Goldblog deputy-editor-for-monitoring-Iran-obsessively-even-though-Goldblog-himself-also-monitors-Iran-obsessively, pointed out to me the other day that perhaps the West has already begun the attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, that perhaps we ought to reframe this issue a bit. The attacks he mentioned are not the usual …

Mini-Me: Iranian Plot or False Flag Fraud?

Huh? U.S. Accuses Iranians of Plotting to Kill Saudi Envoy Holder: US will hold Iran accountable in plot to assassinate Saudi ambassador Iranian plot to kill Saudi ambassador thwarted, U.S. officials say Alleged Iranian Terror Plotter Was Well-Known Texas Used Car Salesman U.S. aims to “unite the world” against Iran Iran slams plot allegations

Marcus Aurelius: Israel Plots to Cripple Iranian Cyber

(1) Wish the Israelis every success, but their chances are likely decreased thanks to leaks; (2) Wonder if GEN Alexander of USCYBERCOM will seek to re-negotiate his deal IOT report directly to POTUS? Israeli Military Reportedly Plotting to Cripple Iran in Cyberspace Published August 07, 2011 EXTRACT: “Israel has two principal targets in Iran’s cyberspace,” …

Chuck Spinney: Demonizing Iran, Bankrupting America

Making an Enemy of Iran By Patrick Seale Agence Global, 2 August 2011 It is now widely accepted – and lamented — that US President Barack Obama failed dismally in attempting to make peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Defeated by Israel’s hard-line Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, and by Israel’s friends in the U.S. — …