Russia Returns Heavy-Hitter to Afghanistan

Highlights a classic failure of US intel and State… experts with the depth or contacts necessary to conduct statecraft……. Mullah Omar gets a Russian visitor By M K Bhadrakumar Asia Times, Mar 24, 2011 EXTRACT:  The executive order makes the customary reference to the new appointee’s worthy credentials as “an experienced diplomat and Orientalist”. And …

Afghanistan: Too Many Contractors, No Accountability

SECRECY NEWS EXTRACT: DOD CONTRACTORS IN AFGHANISTAN AT A RECORD HIGH The number of private security contractors employed by the Department of Defense in Afghanistan has reached a new record high, according to DoD statistics in a recently updated report (pdf) from the Congressional Research Service.

The Afghanistan War: Tactical Victories, Strategic Stalemate? With Comment by Chuck Spinney

The Afghanistan War: Tactical Victories, Strategic Stalemate? David Wood, Politics Daily, 13 February 2011 The top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. David Petraeus, likes to describe the tactical gains his troops are making against insurgents. But a stream of independent data and analysis suggests a wide gap between those battlefield gains and the strategic progress needed …