Bob Gates, Chief Maintenance Clerk, Talks Crap — and the Wall Street Journal Goes Along…

The Gates Farewell Warning America can be a superpower or a welfare state, but not both. Phi Beta Iota Sidenote: BOTH of the above “choices” are corruption incarnate.  The correct choice was articulated by Thomas Jefferson: “A Nation’s best defense is an educated citizenry.” EXTRACT: In a series of farewell speeches, Mr. Gates has warned …

Reflections on Tyranny versus Crowd Power

Sacrificial Crowds and Radical Power: A Meditation by Justin Rogers-Cooper, 19 May 2011 Advocate (CUNY Graduate Center) In early Jan­u­ary the BBC reported that Moham­mad Bouazazi, a Tunisian col­lege grad­u­ate who ille­gally sold fruits and veg­eta­bles in Sidi Bouzid, had died from his self-inflicted burns. He had set him­self on fire by dous­ing his body with petrol …