Mini-Me: CIA Bimbo Eruption or Hit Job with Vickers Replacing Patreaus? Photos Updated 14 Nov

Huh? “The harassing e-mails Broadwell sent to the woman [evidently from Patreus’s personal email account and computer] said things such as “I know what you did,” “back off” and “stay away from my guy,” a government official said.” “This is about something else entirely, and the truth will come out,” Broadwell’s dad, Paul Krantz, told …

Search: 7 eras

At AA Graphics List (1)  find:  Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Eras At Google search < Max Manwaring source=phibetaiota > without brackets Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Dr. Col Max Manwaring, US Army Strategic Studies Institute See Especially: 2003 Manwaring (US) War & Conflict: Six Generations    

David Isenberg: NATO Connects with Open Source Everything Meme

James Stavridis: How NATO’s Supreme Commander thinks about global security Imagine a global security driven by collaboration — among agencies, government, the private sector and the public. That’s not just the distant hope of open-source fans, it’s the vision of James Stavridis, the Supreme Commander of NATO, who shares vivid moments from recent military history …

DefDog: Nurturing Innovation in Spite of Really Rotten Rote Education + RECAP

For years I have done similar approaches when teaching….and have been told to stop because “it is not the way it is done!”  My classes were consistently better equipped to deal with the problems they faced as intelligence officers than the school house folks……they weren’t afraid of an intelligence failure of the information kind, only …

Marcus Aurelius: Department of State Broken – With No Prospect of Being Fixed

Diplomacy is one of those jobs where you actually have to be present on scene to do it.  One key point that Ms. Schake does not mention is that a principal reason military is playing a dominant role right now is that Foreign Service Officers (FSOs) are not volunteering for the hardship — such as Baghdad …

DefDog: NYT Labels Karzai “Volatile” Instead of USA ???

Interesting headline…..why is it that we place the blame on others (Karzai more volatile) when we (the US) completely ignores him and runs roughshod over his country? That would make anyone “volatile”. This is how the world sees us, it is all about integrity….something the government lacks in spades. Gulf Widens Between U.S. and a …