Marcus Aurelius: Acoustic Hackers Can Halt Fleet

US NAVY: Hackers ‘Jumping The Air Gap’ Would ‘Disrupt The World Balance Of Power’ Geoffrey Ingersoll Business Insider, Nov. 19, 2013, 2:54 PM The next generation hackers may be taking to sound waves, and the Navy is understandably spooked. Speaking at last week’s Defense One conference, retired Capt. Mark Hagerott cited recent reports about sonic …

Event: 22-24 JAN 14 Nashville TN InfoWarCon 2014

Beyond Information Warfare “Mr. Schwartau, why would the bad guys ever want to use the internet…?” (Congressman Glickman during Congressional Testimony, June 1991) It was obvious. To some of us. Now, it is almost impossible to quantify how far behind we really are. Information Warfare (some relegated the term as politically incorrect) or CyberWar or …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Backdoors and Hardware Attacks Beyond GPS to IPS CYBERPOL Guantanamo – Media Missing the Point? Hackers in Demand — and Rehabilitated Human Security First Open Academy Snowden Method – How He Breached NSA Stuxnet in Space (from 2008 onwards) Swimming Drone Wall Street Rigged — Robo Details Weaponized Internet