Howard Rheingold: Infotention Skills + Citizen Intel RECAP

Infotention Skills: From Information Overload to Knowledge Navigation An immersive learning experience from the Institute for Social & Network Literacy 21st Century Information Fluency Self-guided Assessment and Tutorial Packages Phi Beta Iota:  US education, like the rest of government-dominated programs, is totally broken.  Apart from the 22% now unemployed, another 22% can expect to be …

Robert Steele: Microsoft Operation Cloudburst

After some effort, the below memorandum on Operation Cloudburst was delivered to and read by Reed Hastings and Norm Judah (the latter Chief Technical Officer for Microsoft).  Microsoft as a culture evidently cannot make the intellectual leap from legacy kludge to Open Everything, monetizing the aggregate instead of the instance.  This memorandum is the intellectual …

Search: 21st Century

Actual results in reverse chronological order:  21st Century Human-selected best in class in alphabetical order below the line.

Tom Atlee: Making Wise Decisions on Public Issues

Dear friends, I have worked for several months to develop the ideas in this article and to articulate them in an accessible way.  They are fundamental understandings underlying the co-intelligence vision of a wiser democracy. If the ideas intrigue you, you can find a longer version with more detailed guidelines and references online.  I wrote …

Robert Steele: Secrecy, Self-Restraint, & Democracy Done in By Elites and “Experts”

The times they are a’ changing.  I was asked to comment on  the recently published Reference: Protecting Sensitive “Open” Information and do so gladly.  The author of that work means well, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the substance of what he expouses.  It is simply not reasonable nor feasible in context. I know …