Mongoose: Is General Patraeus Slated for “Suiciding?” + Meta-RECAP on No Rule of Law in USA

If General Patraeus appears to commit suicide anytime soon, it will not have been suicide and the White House and the Department of Justice and the FBI will cover up the murder.   Since the dual chain of command got away with the murder of JFK, the impunity with which they are willing to murder American …

Marcus Aurelius: Army Talking Points on Sequesters — REVISED to Respect Push-Back

This is UNOFFICIAL at this time, it has NOT been validated as an official document.  The depiction of most Army contractors as small to mid-size businesses with moderate to severe risk of bankruptcy if sequester cuts take place, is a useful point for investigators.  What is missing is a global “picture” of what different kinds …

Reference: John Brennan’s Opening Statement — Extreme Fluff + CIA Meta-RECAP

PDF 8 Pages:  Statement for the Record to the SSCI of 7 Feb 2013 (John Brennan) One useful insight:  “Trust deficit” between Congress and CIA has never been greater. One questionable rah rah:  103 stars on the wall.  Counting Khost Kathy, at least half and probably more like two thirds are deaths that resulted from …