Robert Steele: QAnon What Next? Marshall Masters on The Drip, The Filth, & The Noose — Salute to Sidney Powell, Comment on Epstein Case, List of 14 Presidential Initiatives UPDATE: Video & Related Links

SHORT URL: An Alert Reader flagged the below extract from Marshall Masters, who is a considerable talent with a history of being serious and insightful. Here is an extract from a long series of intermittent posts, followed my own comment including a list of 14 Presidential initiatives that I consider to be in planning …

Zero Hedge: James Kunstler on the Framing of General Michael Flynn by John Brennan and then James Comey – Could Indictments Against Brennan, McCabe and Comey Be Looming?

Kunstler Exposes “Tectonic Rumblings” In America’s Political Memory Hole My own heuristic analysis is that rival Intel chief, John Brennan of the CIA, enlisted British Intel “asset” (i.e., agent) Joseph Mifsud to sandbag General Flynn in order to put him out of business and shove him offstage. After Mr. Trump won the 2016 election, he …

Robert Steele: Jews, Led by Adelsons, Break with the Invented Criminal Genocidal Apartheid State of Israel

This day has been a long time in coming but was anticipated by Henry Kissinger, among others. The time to “uninvent” the invented state of Israel, the criminal, genocidal, apartheid state of Israel, has arrived. As President Donald Trump carefully examines the details of the Mossad-CIA-FBI Maxwell-Epstein pedophilia and murderous pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse …

Review: Against Our Better Judgment – The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel by Alison Weir

6 Stars — Long-Repressed Truths That Support the Termination of the State of Israel and Restoration of Palestine to the Palestinians. Review by Robert David Steele This book consists of 93 pages of text and 108 pages containing 373 endnotes, plus an additional 24 pages of bibliography. It is a rigorously documented indictment of President …

Worth A Look: Indictment of the FBI as an Accomplice Before and After the Fact to the 3,000 Plus Murders — Robert Mueller Particularly Indicted

Did you know that FBI agents knew all details of September 11 in advance, including the date, the targets, the means, the perpetrators? Did you know that their hierarchy forbade them to warn the public under threat of prosecution? Did you know that the FBI lost, manipulated, and even made disappear, evidence of what really …