ZeroHedge: Seth Rich, Wikileaks, Murder, Cover-Up

Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Shared 44,053 Democrat Emails With WikiLeaks: Report According to Fox News sources, federal law enforcement investigators found 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments sent between DNC leaders from January 2015 to May 2016 that Rich shared with WikiLeaks before he was gunned down on July 10, 2016.

Antechinus: Seth Rich’s Leaks & Murder — Exposing the Deep State

Seth Rich, Craig Murray and the Sinister Stewards of the National Security State Why is it a “conspiracy theory” to think that a disgruntled Democratic National Committee staffer gave WikiLeaks the DNC emails, but not a conspiracy theory to think the emails were provided by Russia? Former-DNC employee, Seth Rich, not only had access to the …

Stephen E. Arnold: FBI Out-Sourcing on Cyber Equals Inept Stupidity

The FBI Relied on a Private Firm’s Investigation of the DNC Hack—Which Makes the Agency Harder to Trust …if the evidence that they’ve used to level major accusations at a foreign government comes not from agencies of the U.S. government or direct law enforcement investigations, but rather from private sector firms like CrowdStrike, then the …

The Steele Report

The Steele Report consists of a text report each Monday with links and graphics, generally 2,500 words; and an interactive video each Saturday in which 25-35 questions submitted by subscribers are answered in the first 60 minutes, and then there is an impromptu conversation for another 30 minutes. The Steele Report is conceptualized as a …

Robert Steele: THE SPEECH [Annotated Edition] by Donald Trump (Trump Revolution 09)

THE SPEECH [Annotated Edition] Can Donald Trump Triumph Over the Deep State? Robert David STEELE Vivas PREFACE The President and his closest personal staff have confused Divine Providence – the hand of God in over-turning a rigged system – with a mandate to govern. They are confusing Republican Party control of the Senate and the …

Robert Steele: Donald Trump’s Future — Over Reince Priebus’s Dead Body…

As things now stand, Donald Trump will not finish his first term. This will be Donald Trump’s fault — and Reince Priebus’ fault. I explicitly accuse Reince Priebus of betraying Donald Trump by sacrificing the protection of Donald Trump and the longer-term healing of the country to Priebus’s own vested interests in protecting the short-term …