Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data Disconnect from Strategy

The Disconnect: Big Data and Business Strategy Imagine that: Big Data may not have a direct impact on business strategy. I read “Why Big Data and Algorithms Won’t Improve Business Strategy.” I learned that Big Data learns by playing algorithmic chess. The “moves” can be converted to patterns. The problem is that no one knows …

REALITY CALLS Interview: Tara McCarthy & Robert Steele — The Truth At Any Cost Lowers All Other Costs — What Really Happened in US Election?

REALITY CALLS HOME PAGE Tara McCarthy: If you’re like me, you’re sick and tired of the lies and omissions we see daily from the mainstream media. They try to keep us hooked on trivial drama while they skim over or completely fail to mention far more important topics. This leaves the population uninformed and vulnerable to being hoodwinked …

DefDog: FBI Hacked Again… UPDATE Neal Rauhauser

FBI Hacked, Again! Hacker Leaks Data After Agency Failed to Patch Its Site It seems like the FBI has been hacked, once again! A hacker, using Twitter handle CyberZeist, has claimed to have hacked the FBI’s website ( and leaked personal account information of several FBI agents publically. CyberZeist had initially exposed the flaw on …

The Trump “Intelligence” Briefing Has No Proof Russians Hacked (or Leaked) Anything: Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections UPDATE 8

Best line = ZERO proof: “Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.” We do not make this stuff up. The DNI just committed suicide. In three …

ZeroHedge: Washington Post Published Fake News Story About a Vermont Utility Getting Hacked by Russians

Washington Post Published Fake News Story About a Vermont Utility Getting Hacked by Russians The propaganda coming out of the Washington Post isn’t even creative or convincing. It’s the type of nonsense that one instantly dismisses as the work of a lazy employee of the state. Look at this sensationalist headline posted by Washpo last …