Review: Legacy of Secrecy–The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination

Smoke Book–False and Fed Documents to Obscure Reality August 4, 2010 Lamar Waldron I spent a good bit of time with this book today, getting more and more irritated as I went through it. Here is my bottom line: this book in its earlier and current version may well be a CIA-facilitated and managed covert …

Review: Secret History–The CIA’s Classified Account of Its Operations in Guatemala, 1952-1954

Phenomenal “Primary” Source Relevant Today July 26, 2010 Nick Cullather This is the original, Stanford has also just produced a new version, Secret History: The CIA’s Classified Account of Its Operations in Guatemala 1952-1954. I bought this used and not only loved the speed of delivery, but the notes from the previous owner. My next …