Journal: Focus on Amb David Johnson’s Crime Ideas

The Escalating Ties between Middle Eastern Terrorist Groups and Criminal Activity Featuring David Johnson    January 19, 2010 Ambassador David Johnson is the assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. In this position, Ambassador Johnson advises the president, secretary of state, related State Department bureaus, and other relevant government …

Review: Edward Lansdale’s Cold War (Culture, Politics, and the Cold War) (Paperback)

Highly Recommended by James Gibney December 26, 2009 Jonathan Nashel James Gibney, one of my most respected sources for common- sense and integrity, posted a review of this book on 15 January 2006 in the New York Times. At Phi Beta Iota, the Public Intelligence Blog, I have posted that three-page review along with some …

Journal: US Intervention Outcomes for Women Et Al

One of the main arguments made by self-proclaimed “liberal humanitarian interventionists” in support of President Obama’s escalation of the Afghan War is that a return of the Taliban to power will condemn women to conditions approaching slavery.  It is true that women’s rights in Afghanistan are almost medieval in character, but the central question of …

Review: A Question of Command: Counterinsurgency from the Civil War to Iraq (Yale Library of Military History) (Hardcover)

Brilliant but Narrow, Simplifies A Bridge Too Far December 19, 2009 Mark Moyar EDIT of 21 Feb 2010:  A colleague in COINSOC has pointed out that I missed one key aspect of this book and I hasten to add it: “Moyar’s point that we are applying peacetime personnel policies by putting people in place based …

Journal: Fight Over the Green North Ramps Up

Arctic sea route to be renamed ‘Canadian Northwest Passage’ The Northeast Passage opens for business In Greenland, warming fuels dream of hidden wealth Greenland Takes a Step Towards Autonomy TrendLines Poll: Should The Yukon Secede from Canada? Toward North Corps: Nurturing the Spirit of Inuit Independence while Pre-empting a Movement for Inuit Secession

Journal: Why they hate us (II): How many Muslims has the U.S. killed in the past 30 years?

Tom Friedman had an especially fatuous column in Sunday’s New York Times, which is saying something given his well-established capacity for smug self-assurance. According to Friedman, the big challenge we face in the Arab and Islamic world is “the Narrative” — his patronizing term for Muslim views about America’s supposedly negative role in the region. …

Review: TYRANNICIDE The Story of the Second American Revolution

Recommended by habeas corruptus & Robert Steele November 23, 2009 Dr. Evan Keliher Edit of 9 Jan 11 in light of shooting of gentle lady of Arizona, a judge, and others.  I am leaving the original rhetoric intact, but I want to emphasize two things: 1) my enthusiasm was rhetorical, never anticipating the two-party tyranny …