Strategy Archives for Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

1997 US Strategy Steele Cover, Appreciation, Foreword, Contents 1997 US Strategy Steele Creating a Smart Nation: Strategy, Policy, Intelligence, Information 1997 US Strategy Steele E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, and Intelligence 1997 US Strategy Steele Intelligence & Counterintelligence for the 21st Century 1997 US Strategy Steele Secrecy & Openness: Talking Points for Seminar on Intelligence Reform …

UN-NGO Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2006 US NGO None Draft Legislation to Establish Department of Peace 2006 SE NGO Salin Peacekeeping Intelligence Training 2006 US NGO Steele Peacekeeping Intelligence & Information Peacekeeping 1.3 2006 SE NGO Svensson Swedish Peacekeeping Intelligence Curriculum 2006 SE NGO Svensson Swedish Peacekeeping Intelligence Course Description 2006 US NGO Tillman Department of Peace (Kucinich Supports) 2006 …

BASIC: Open Source Intelligence Familiarization Documents (Original)

Document (1 Page):  Open Source Intelligence Familiarization Documents 2.0 Above in document form, below in full text online, is the original document created in 2006. Open Source Intelligence Familiarization Documents                The intent of this single-page document is to share basic knowledge about Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

2006 Robert Steele: Reinventing Intelligence

REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE Robert David Steele America is spending $70 billion a year on what it calls “Intelligence,” and for that amount of money we are successfully stealing 5% and ignoring 95% of the information relevant to our national security and prosperity.  We are long over-due for a reinvention of national intelligence. Without belaboring the point, …

2003 Andregg (US) State of the Academic Tribe in 2003

Prof. Michael Andregg, Chief OSINT Shrink (USA) IOP ’06.  For academic excellence and support to the dual concepts of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) across all seven tribes of intelligence, and the urgent need for intelligence reform, inclusive of a psychological re-orientation away from compartmented lunacy and toward inclusive openness.  Professor Andregg embodies the concept of …