Event: #J15 15 Jan 1900 Worldwide Candlelight Vigil for Unity

#J15 Worldwide Candlelight Vigil for Unity Posted 2 days ago on Jan. 9, 2012, 4:43 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday January 15th, 2012 @ 7:00pm in Each Time Zone Globally Via J15global.com: On his birthday and in the spirit of Dr. King’s vision for racial and economic equality, peace, and non-violence, …

Michel Bauwens: Occupations as a Political Tactic

A short story of occupations as a political tactic (#OccupyWallStreet update) Excerpted from Shareable, By Willie Osterweil: “There have been many resistance movements throughout history which have made use of the occupation tactic. In the United States, the unemployed Coxey’s Army, which marched across the country decrying injustice and unemployment in 1894, camped out throughout …

John Steiner: Occupy Hearts – Compassion New Currency

Compassion Is Our New Currency : Notes on 2011’s Preoccupied Hearts and Minds Rebecca Solnit TomDispatch.com, December 22, 2011. Usually at year’s end, we’re supposed to look back at events just passed — and forward, in prediction mode, to the year to come. But just look around you! This moment is so extraordinary that it …

Tom Atlee: Four Types of Power

Dear friends, Stimulated by Occupy and an expanding inquiry into new forms of economics, combined with my ongoing interest in bringing wisdom to politics and governance, I’ve stumbled on a productive approach to pulling it all together:  Start from an exploration of Power – particularly, but not only, social power.  This brings both politics and …