Robert Steele: Grand Strategy – No Candidate Is Serious

Grand Strategy: No Candidate Is Serious… To keep America safe we need to have a government (including military and police) that works as it should as well as a society that works for all; and to stop destabilizing the world while putting America – the 99% disenfranchised economically, politically, and socially – first. Getting there …

ANSWERS: Robert Steele for Brandi Sling (P) on CIA John Brennan’s Re-Organization One Year On…

ANSWERS: Robert Steele on CIA John Brennan’s Re-Organization One Year On… My seven questions (with sub-sets) are as follows:     On March 6, 2015, the CIA’s Director of Central Intelligence, John Brennan, announced a major restructuring of the CIA by converting the directorates of Operations, Analysis, Support, and Science and Technology, as well as the …

Review: The New Grand Strategy – Restoring America’s Prosperity, Security, and Sustainability in the 21st Century

A Few Gems, Too Little, Too Late, Not a Grand Strategy and Not Global By Any Stretch of the Imagination I was paying attention in 2009 when Wayne Porter and Mark Mykleby did their best for the Chairman, and was present when Brent Scowcroft, among others, listened to the Wilson Foundation “launch” of the book’s …

Owl: Dallas False Flag Best Write Up Yet…a Direct Threat to Donald Trump? UPDATE: FBI Alert Bogus?

Who benefits? Certainly not black people and certainly not the police. The Clintons and James Comey are out of the news cycle, but no one has forgotten that, no one trusts the FBI to actually investigate this false flag…and more and more — including Black Lives Matter and The Daily Beast — are talking openly …

Robert Steele: The Orlando Mass Casualty Event A False Flag Drama, Atrocity, or Hybrid?

Short URL This Page: NEW 8 July 2016: Updated to include 70 anomalies documented with links, and add copy of letter to Director of the FBI as certified delivered by the US Postal Service. The updated version with 166 notes is below the fold. HOME PAGE: The Orlando Mass Casualty Event: A False Flag …