DefDog: The Matrix at 20 — The End of Mind The Rise of Control (#GoogleGestapo Goes AI and Implants)

“The Matrix” at 20 Cal Thomas In his new book, “World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech” (Penguin Press), Franklin Foer, a national correspondent for The Atlantic and former editor of The New Republic, expands on the film’s warnings. Mr. Foer asserts that technology is replacing thought and relationships. He specifically warns of …

Robert Steele: YouTube, Facebook, Apple & Vimeo Digitally Assassinate Alex Jones and InfoWars — Attorney General Needs to Act or Resign

YouTube, Apple and Facebook remove content from InfoWars and Alex Jones False flag operations are real.  I ran one for the CIA. Obama functionaries admitted to colleagues that Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill with an anti-gun agenda. The digital assassination of Alex Jones is partly motivated by the stark fear of the Zionists in …

Mongoose: Mind Control History and Applications

Mind Control: History and Applications A multitude of well-researched books are now available on this topic (References).  A wealth of government documents, academic publications, and psychiatric experts confirm that these mind control experiments were conducted by some of the most prestigious psychiatrists in the world at many of the top universities, hospitals, and research institutes …

Mongoose: “Non-Lethal” Directed Energy Acoustic Weapons in the USA — Words in Your Head, Words in Your Mouth… The Ultimate False Flag Scripting

Alert Reader says: This was the technology being released and in current use in 1992 timeframe. What is now used is incredibly advanced and best described as remote induction (soft-style) no voices heard but attitudes shaped in mass population very slowly and subtly except for controlled experiments like the DNC demonstrations of college students who …