James Fetzer: Memorandum for the President: Three Proofs We Have Not Been Told the Truth About 9/11

Three Proofs We Have Not Been Told The Truth About 9/11 4 July 2018 Dear Mr. President, The Impossible Entry. The footage of the South Tower hit exemplifies several anomalies, including a Boeing 767 flying at an impossible speed, an impossible entry into the building (in violation of Newton’s laws), and even passing through its …

Mongoose: Southern Poverty Law Center Pays $3.375M for One Instance of Severe Defamation

Marc Thiessen: The Southern Poverty Law Center has lost all credibility WASHINGTON — After years of smearing good people with false charges of bigotry, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has finally been held to account. A former Islamic radical named Maajid Nawaz sued the center for including him in its bogus “Field Guide to …

Catherine Austin Fitts with Greg Hunter: Elites Stole $50 Trillion, Investing in Space War, Using Crypto to Keep Public Out of Gold, Silver, and Land

Elite Stole $50 Trillion and Will Invest in Space –Catherine Austin Fitts “The establishment has stolen $50 trillion plus, and they want to keep it, and they want to invest it in the space based economy and not have to give it back to the pension funds. One of the most important techniques they are …