American Greatness: Red Flag Laws in the Age of Political Psychiatry — If President Trump Supports He Will NOT Be Re-Elected in 2020

Red Flag Laws in the Age of Political Psychiatry Psychologists and psychiatrists tend to be overwhelmingly people of the Left. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders changes every few years, removing old diagnoses like homosexuality and gender dysphoria, mostly because of political pressure from interest groups. A move is afoot to add conspiracy …

Robert Steele: Is Trump In Trouble? Can #UNRIG Save Us All?

For some time I have been concerned about the President’s insouciance (the Democrats would say oblviousness) toward the 70% of our eligible voters who are excluded from the two-party political system today. Below is a graphic that should concern the President. While he has fourteen months to pull out all manner of positives, including pumping …