Robert Steele: Does “The Intercept” Take Orders from NSA Now?

Top-Secret NSA Report Details Russian Hacking Effort Days Before 2016 Election I discussed this article with Bill Binney and we agree that is is at best misleading. In my view The Intercept is betraying the public trust by failing to recognize that Barack Obama and John Brennan led a combination of interagency witchhunt and “spygate” …

Norie Huddle: Daniel Lazare on RussiaGate — Trump Right, Media Wrong, FBI/DOJ Criminal (To Which We Would Add, DNI and D/CIA Also Criminal)

Making Excuses for Russiagate The press, the intelligence community, and the Democrats have all gone off the deep end in search of a Russia connection that doesn’t exist.  They misled their readers, they made fools of themselves, and they committed a crime against journalism.  And now they’re trying to dodge the blame.

Robert Steele: James Bamford on Anti-Intelligence -Trump’s War on the IC (Trump Revolution 28)

Anti-Intelligence What happens when the president goes to war with his own spies? The New Republic 19 March 2018 Phi Beta Iota: Bamford understates the cost of the IC – over eight years Obama spent close to $400 billion, not the $100 billion that Bamford cites. If one includes hidden support costs in other budgets, …