Donald Trump: Executive Order Against Online Censorship

Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1.  Policy.  Free speech is the bedrock of American democracy.  Our Founding Fathers protected this sacred right with the First Amendment to …

Wayne Jett: Mr. President – MAGA – Constitutional Limits

MR PRESIDENT: MAGA! Return To Constitutional Limits The national shutdown of business and social activities by government orders resulting from the COVID-19 virus violates constitutional limitations of powers of government over the people. Though the Supreme Court has demonstrated willingness to accommodate federal government authority, the broad shutdown of employment and social activities strikes at …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Is A Publisher — Laws That Apply to Publishers Now Apply to Google?

Google: Another Glitch Down Under DarkCyber spotted this story from ‘Publisher’ Google Ordered to Pay $40k in Damages for Defaming Melbourne Lawyer after Court Ruling. Aside from the money, the key point in the write up is the word “publisher.” I wrote Google: The Digital Gutenberg in 2008. The book is now out of …

Robert Steele: DoJ Begins Process of Exonerating Mike Flynn?

I have been an unabashed fan of General Michael Flynn, USA (Ret) ever since I studied his harsh truths as published in Fixing Intel, and then wrote the article, hand-delivered to Chuck Hagel’s house and intended to stop Mike Flynn from being fired by the Deep State puppet known as Barack Obama, On Defense Intelligence, …