Robert Steele: Deep State Plan A (Impeachment), Plan B (Assassination), Plan C (Amendment 25) — A is down, C is active, B is more likely than ever before

As a case officer for the CIA I had five times the  regional recruiting and production average over the course of an extraordinary three back-to-back tours, one in a war zone. As a contractor analyst in Afghanistan in Fall 2013 I knew within 30 days of arrival that Karzai would never sign the Bilateral Security …

Robert Steele & Martin Armstrong: Bullshit on Impeachment, Time to End Two-Party Tyranny, Deepen Information Sharing Between Trump and Putin Against Deep State

I marvel at the persistent mendacity of the media, including Faux News. Politicians have always given hush money to prostitutes, porn stars, pole boys, and more.   The amount of hush money paid by  the  Obamas and Clintons very likely exceeds that paid by Trump by a factor of ten — plus the Clintons simply murder …

Caitlin Johnstone: John McCain, Warmonger, RIP — Robert Steele: Abandoned POWs, Undeclared Agent of Zionist Israel

Do NOT Let Them Make A Saint Of This Asshole My statements about my desire for John McCain to shuffle off this mortal coil sooner rather than later have been highly publicized, and I stand by all of them, but I don’t wish him a painful or agitated end. And, also, I am going to keep …

Rebecca Campbell: Did Putin Give Trump 2 Terabytes of Intercepted Communications That Fry US Government, Military, Intelligence, Media, Judicial, and Commercial Traitors?

Possibly exaggerated but very likely some truth to Putin sharing intelligence with Trump to prove the real traitors are all Made in the USA. Dear God; They Caught Them ALL! Putin Gives Trump 160 Terabytes of Communications Intercepts; ALL people behind fake “Russia Collusion” — False Flag Chemical Attacks in Syria, Sabotage of BREXIT, Nefarious …