Bruce Berkowitz: Failing to Keep Up With the Information Revolution The DI and “IT”

Failing to Keep Up With the Information Revolution: The (CIA) DI and “IT” Bruce Berkowitz Studies in Intelligence, 2007 During 2001-2002, I was a Scholar-in-Residence at the Sherman Kent Center for Intelligence Analysis, the “think tank” attached to the CIA’s training center for analysts.  The CIA has long used such scholars as expert analysts, but …

Reference: Intelligence at the United Nations for Peace Operations

Gustavo Diaz Introduction 1.  The problem of the concept “Intelligence” within the UN terminology’ 2.  The concept of secret in the UN 3.  The necessity of intelligence 4.  Basic Principles in Peacekeeping Operations 5.  The problem of Intelligence sharing 6.  Possible sources of information within the UN Conclusion Source (PDF 17 Pages)

2006 Yekelo (ZA) Continental Early Warning & Information Sharing: A Military Perspective on Deterring & Resolving Complex Emergencies

South Africa, Military and Civilian Intelligence Community IOP ’06  Under the general leadership of Minister of Intelligence Services Ronnie Kasrils, in partnership with an extraordinary collection of individuals across all elements of the South African intelligence community, and across all countries in the continent of Africa, successfully implemented both an open source software strategy, and an …