Chuck Spinney: Emile Nakhleh on Saudi Anger over Losing Influence — Iran Ascendant

Saudi Anger Masks Concern About Loss of Influence by Emile Nakhleh via IPS News, 13 November 2013 Saudi Arabia’s public anger against the United States masks the kingdom’s growing concern about its diminishing influence in the Persian Gulf and the wider Arab world. It has nothing to do with U.S. policy toward the Palestinians, Washington’s …

4th Media: Israeli Babylon Network Dishonest to the Core — a Global Thief Shocks Even Google Evil Into Banning Them

Google Bans Israeli Babylon Internet giant Yahoo! announced on November 10, 2013, that it won’t end its revenue sharing contract with Israeli Babylon, despite Google terminating its similar contract on November 30. Google provided above 40% of Babylon’s revenues during the second quarter of 2013; Yahoo! provided over 30%, which amounts to almost $20 million. …

Marcus Aurelius: SOF O-6 Sends – A World Where No One Listens to America

All following appears consistent with Dinesh DiSousa’s books and the film that came from them, “2016:  Obama’s America,” which assert that POTUS is a rampant anticolonialist whose principal objective is to reduce America to the status of a Third World nation rather than to facilitate the nations of the Third World to achieving levels of …

4th Media: Washington’s Mujahideen Dissolve: Dissolving the Mercenary/Terrorists/Rebels CIA Club

Washington’s Mujahideen Dissolve: Dissolving the Mercenary/Terrorists/Rebels CIA Club Western dialectics are beyond any doubt the pinnacle of human achievements. “Democracy” means “rule of corporations and oligarchs,”+ “Law” means “what civil servants need for their own profit”* while dictionaries define Ev·i·dence [noun] 1: False claim made by a government. “Terrorists” are those fighting Western regimes; “freedom …

Chuck Spinney: Israel Still Angling for Attacks on Syria and Iran

The author is one of the best journalists in the Middle East. Israel Still Angling for Attacks on Syria and Iran Jonathan Cook Counterpunch:, 2013-09-18 Nazareth. President Barack Obama may have drawn his seemingly regretted “red line” around Syria’s chemical weapons, but it was neither he nor the international community that turned the spotlight on …

Chuck Spinney: Robert Parry on CIA within CIA Coup Against Jimmy Carler

Below is a very important report (all of it below the line), written by Robert Parry, one of the best investigative journalists in what is left of the news business. As I explained here, the most powerful form of conflict is the M&M strategy waged a the moral level of conflict. The M&M or Motherhood and Mismatch …